Healing Hands
7132 49th ST N
Pinellas Park, FL 33781
(727) 538-8969
$120, Class materials $20
Registration for Full Course Requested. (However, you may register with the 1st weeks fee and materials fee of $30, & then pay weekly per class as we go)
Rev. Monica Benware
A new and unique, exciting and original approach to the broad spectra of metaphysical teachings, including:
• Easy and clear steps to Meditation
• Dreams, how to find value in our nighttime images
Psychic/Intuitive Training; practical exercises which will include:
• Use of Pendulum
• Psychometry
• Rune Stones
• Shustah & Tarot Cards
• Numerology
• Chakras
• Healing Energy
and more...
Designed for the student who is sincerely ready to enter the world of inner work and progress each week from one area of study to another. Each Student will have the opportunity to develop and practice his/her skills in a safe and nurturing class atmosphere.
What You Will Learn:
Experience how your Self-perceptions can hold you back, and learn how to change them...
Discover what it is you wish to manifest in your life and how to receive it
Learn How to Meditate and Connect to Your Source
What's really going on when you dream or "Wind Walk"
Discover your personal Spirit/Animal Guides
Test, fine tune and learn to use your Psychic Abilities
and much, much more.
About The Instructor:
Rev. Monica Benware works to continue the dream of her mother, Rev. Gladys Cavnar, the Minister and Founder of M.A.C. (Metaphysical Attunement Center) . Monica was born in Nashville, TN. Is of Native American (Cherokee) , Irish & French heritage. She is a lover of nature and animals, mother of two children, was educated in both Tennessee and Florida and holds an Associates degree in Communications, St. Petersburg College.
Ordained by M.A.C. in 1980 and also The Universal Life Church in 1998, currently she is active in teaching, volunteering for Native American events, doing private psychic counseling through Psychometry, clairvoyance, Shustah & Tarot Cards, and Runes (to name a few) . Also active in the Pagan community, holding private rituals, sabbots and Full Moon rites.
Her interests and studies in metaphysics include; amongst others: A Course in Miracles, Wisdom Teachings, Dream Analysis, Meditation, Intuitive Development, Chakra & Aura Balancing, Positive Visualization, Astral Projection, Spiritual Healing, EVP Phenomena, Native America, Druid, Wiccan & Hermetic Teachings and philosophies.
Email me if you are interested in finding out more information on the above class at karma2be@aol.com
To Register for Classes:
Send me an email (please include name of the course you would like to register for) & I will reply with the registration form, which you can fill out and return via email.
January 22, 2007 for 10 weeks 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Healing Hands
7132 49th ST N
Pinellas Park, FL 33781
(727) 538-8969
Fee: $100, Class materials $10
Registration for Full Course Requested (However, you may register with the 1st weeks fee and materials fee of $20, & then pay weekly per class as we go)
Rev. Monica Benware
Have you ever wondered what your mission in life is supposed to be? The answer I found is that there's much more involved. This applies whether you accept the concept of reincarnation, or believe in a single lifetime followed by heaven or hell -- or neither. I believe that each of us is guided by a Sacred Contract that our soul made before we were born. That Contract contains a wide range of agreements regarding all that we are intended to learn in this life. It comprises not merely what kind of work we do but also our key relationships with the people who are to help us learn the lessons we have agreed to work on. Each of those relationships represents an individual Contract that is part of your overall Sacred Contract, and may require you to be in a certain place at a certain time to be with that person. This doesn't mean, of course, that free will plays no role in your Sacred Contract. At any given moment -- or "choice point" -- your Contract may provide you with an opportunity for growth. It can come in the form of a challenge at work, the dissolution of an old relationship or the formation of a new one. As you work with your "Sacred Contracts, " you will keep notes on each of the significant Contracts in your life. I recommend that you keep a notebook or journal for just this purpose.
Your Contract is made up of all these components of your life, yet it can't be reduced to any one of them by itself. One way of viewing your Contract is as your overall relationship to your personal power and spiritual power. It determines how you work with your energy and to whom you give it. Finding and fulfilling your Sacred Contract also depends on how much you are willing to surrender to divine guidance.
If you think of your life's direction as something to which you have agreed, then what formerly seemed like arbitrary or even absurd conditions can be seen in another light. They are part of the roadmap that you've agreed to follow. Each event, each person of any significance whom you encounter, has an agreed-on role in your learning experience. Sometimes the learning is difficult because you don't always surrender to the situation. It may take time for you to see the reasons for it. But the sooner you do, the less painful it becomes. In time, you can learn to accept each event as it happens without struggling against it and prolonging your psychic -- and physical -- suffering. To have a serious illness or injury is difficult enough; seeing it as a punishment or the cruel caprice of fate only makes it harder to bear. The resulting stress will probably also make it worse, and you will take longer to heal or recover.
Naturally, you can't be expected to see everything immediately, or in advance. But if you have a way of looking at the symbolic meaning of your experiences, you will be better prepared to accept the inevitable changes to your life. Fighting change builds up emotional scar tissue. Surrendering to divine will allows you to accept the changes, and get on with your life.
To help you understand and fulfill the terms of your Sacred Contract, you have been encoded with a set of 12 primary archetypes. Four of these are universal archetypes of survival: the Child, Victim, Prostitute, and Saboteur. The other eight are drawn from the vast storehouse of archetypes dating back to the dawn of human history. "Sacred Contracts" shows you how to determine the identity of your eight personal archetypes from a comprehensive Gallery of Archetypes. We will be doing intensive spiritual work in this class.
Warning: This will surely be a life changing experience for all students who attend.
Email me if you are interested in finding out more information on the above class at karma2be@aol.com
To Register for Classes:
Send me an email (please include name of the course you would like to register for) & I will reply with the registration form, which you can fill out and return via email.
February 22nd, 2007 for 9 weeks, 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Healing Hands
7132 49th ST N
Pinellas Park, FL 33781
(727) 538-8969
$12.00 per class, plus a one time supply fee of $10.00
Kathi Wahls
Come and learn about our allies in the stone and crystal realm and the ancient art of crystal healing. Stones and crystals have been used since the beginning of time as tools to heal the body mind and spirit. This is a fun, informative class and discussions will include;
• individual stones, their properties and uses
• choosing stones and crystals
• caring for and cleaning your crystals
• protection and grounding
• remote healing
• listening to your stones
•laying on of stones and much more
This is a hands on class and we will be doing healings on each other.
Please call to register for this class. Space is limited to 15 students.
Sunday March 11th
Healing Hands
7132 49th ST N
Pinellas Park, FL 33781
(727) 538-8969
Kathi Wahls
Smudging is the energetic cleansing of a person place or thing with smoke from sage or other herbs or incense resins. In this workshop, you will learn about smudging and create your own beautiful feather smudge fan. All materials are included in the workshop fee but if you have something special you would like to add to your fan please bring it with you. This class is limited to 8 people so we may have a morning and afternoon session. 11:00 - 2:00 and 2:00 - 5:00. (Don't worry if you're not crafty, we'll help you create a fabulous magical tool!)
7132 49th St.
N. Pinellas Park, FL 33781
(727) 538-8969 kathiworld@msn.com #MM6452